Created by real world astronauts, scientists, and architects, in Space Pioneer, you will build vast colonies and cities and explore the many unknowns of our universe! Space Pioneer is best described as a space sim, with a heavy dose of real time strategy and city building mechanics. The core of the game revolves around the exploration of a virtual in-game universe via an upgradable and customizable spaceship – with the player having the ability to colonize other planets using a unique combination of RTS mechanics. The player can build Space Stations and come into contact with other sentient species. He/she can choose to coexist with said species, or compete with them. The goal is to make a game that is educational and scientifically accurate, but also deeply satisfying and fulfilling, fun.
A unique feature of the game is that not everyone will have the same exact experience; you will to be able to explore and conquer the universe the way you want to. If you want to go about destroying everything in your path, then you definitely can, provided that you have enough capital.
Currently in the Kickstarter/Development phase, there is plenty of opportunity to get in on the action from the front end. The following is an interview with one of the Space Pioneer developers, Maximillian “Max” Kovtun. At the end of the interview is a video that provides more information and an overview of the project.
With Maximillian “Max” Kovtun
With Maximillian “Max” Kovtun
Please tell us a little about Space Pioneer.
Our game is best described as a space sim RTS that’s partially developed by astronauts, scientists and architects. Space Pioneer is a conglomeration of different genres and we think that our game has the potential to become one of the best-spaced based games in existence.
Tell us some interesting facts about the Space Pioneer development team?
Well, there are a couple of interesting tidbits about our team… For one, Aleksandr Zheleznyakov wrote a book about Soviet experiments on sex in space – apparently, this was classified for a long period of time. He hasn’t published it yet, and we’re thinking of adding a reward tier in our Kickstarter that includes this book. Granted; Space Pioneer itself won’t feature express lewd acts in space…
Yuri Artsutanov was the creator of what is now the modern space lift, and inspired a lot of Arthur Clarke’s writing. They exchanged many ideas amongst themselves, and some of these ideas will be incorporated into Space Pioneer! So we have some interesting people on our team to say the least!
When did Space Pioneer start and what were the motivations behind it?
Well, as an idea, Space Pioneer has been around for a couple of years. Our motivations for making this game are relatively simple – we want to make the best space sim ever! Some of our team consists of people who have actually been in space and we feel we can contribute immensely to the space sim and RTS genres.
What contribution do you make in the project?
Officially, I act as the director for our studio, but our team’s structure is actually relatively flat. Everyone has equal say and we’re all free to steer Space Pioneer in the direction that we see fit. In other words – I don’t rule with an iron fist so to speak… I also came up with the idea of Space Pioneer.
Any tips to the young developers and creators?
If you have a good idea – don’t give up on it and don’t be intimidated by the video game industry. With the emergence of the indie scene, right now is the easiest time in the history of our industry to develop and release your video game!
How has your journey been so far?
It has definitely been a learning experience! The great thing about Kickstarter is that your backers are vocal if you aren’t doing something right and it’s relatively easy to fix those mistakes. All in all though; our experience with using crowd-funding has been overwhelmingly positive. For the most part; people want to see you succeed and will try to help you in any way that they can. The backers on our Kickstarter have given us great tips and even ideas towards making our Kickstarter better!
We see you have kept a target of $150,000 to raise at the Why this figure specifically, even when it is such a great idea?
This is the amount we need in order to realize what we have set out to make. If everyone that reads this interview contributes – then we will have reached our funding goal. So what are you waiting for? Go to our Kickstarter and contribute! Well actually, finish reading this interview and then go to our Kickstarter and contribute!
When will Space Pioneer be released?
We are hoping to release by the end of 2015.
When it releases will Space Pioneer require high-end graphics card?
No – while we can’t reveal minimum specs just yet – we can say that Space Pioneer scales back nicely to fit mid end graphics cards.
What more will we see in the future, apart from the present ground breaking idea? Would you like to give us a few hints?
Good question! We’re always brainstorming stuff and I’m confident that our team will continue to make innovative games long after Space Pioneer is released.
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